Sunday, March 23, 2008

Energy of the Sun

It’s a remarkable feature of the sun to have so much energy that has an effect here on earth from millions of miles away. But where does this energy come from? That energy comes from the suns core where an important reaction occurs. In the suns core, the pressure is very high and therefore gives hydrogen gas molecules to move in a small volume. This leaves the hydrogen atoms no choice but to bump into each other. Once they do, they form a heavier nucleus, helium. This process is called nuclear fusion where small atoms fuse together to form heavier nucleus. During that process, some mass is lost in forming the helium atom but through Einstein’s famous equation: E=mc2, that mass is converted to energy. That energy is then sent to earth. Unfortunately, during the fusion process, radiation such as gamma rays is also created and it also travels with the energy to reach earth. Therefore it is wise to use sun tan lotion when in the beach.

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